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Bœuf Bourguignon – 勃艮第紅酒炖牛肉
食材准备如下: -Lean beef shoulder -Bacon lardons -Mushrooms -Red wine -Onions Principal ingredients 1,5 kg lean beef shoulder cut into 5 cm cubes 1 carrot, sliced 1 onion, sliced 1 celery stalk, sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed bouquet garni peppercorns 750 ml red wine 50 ml oil 1 tbsp tomato paste 2 tbsp flour 500 - 750 ml brown veal stock bacon rind (from lardons), blanched 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Bacon lardons 185 g salt slab bacon 1 tbsp olive oil Sautéed mushrooms 300 g cultivated mushrooms 1 tbsp oil 1 tbsp butter salt, pepper Brown-glazed onions 18 - 24 pearl onions 25 g butter 1 pinch suggar salt 【Croûtons(法餐通常用面包做主食,喜欢白米饭的各位可以省略该步骤) 3 slices sandwich bread oil and butter or clarified butter】 Decoration 3 tsbsp chopped parsley
 ✨Method做法步骤: 1.The day before, place the meat in a bowl with the sliced vegetables. Add the crushed garlic cloves, bouquet garni, peppercorns and red wine and marinate for 24 hours.
2.Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Drain and separate the vegetables, the marinade liquid, and the meat (set aside the bouquet garni). Dry the meat and brown in a little oil in a frying pan. Drain the meat.
3.Heat a little oil in a large ovenproof pan and brown the sliced vegetables. Add the tomato paste, the browned meat and the flour. Mix well and place the pan in the oven for a few minutes in order to cook the flour.
4.Bring the marinade liquid to the boil, skim. Strain the liquid over the meat and mix well. Add the brown veal stock, the bouquet garni, blanched bacon rind and season. Return to the boil, cover, and cook in the oven for approximately 1¼ hours. Once the meat is cooked, remove and place in a hotel pan; cover with a damp towel. Strain the sauce and reduce to the desired consistency. Place the meat back into the sauce and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
5.Bacon lardons: Cut the bacon into lardons and lightly brown in a lightly oiled frying pan.
6.Sautéed mushrooms: Sauté in a frying pan with oil and butter. Season. Brown-glazed onions: Place the onions in a saucepan; add a knob of butter, pinch of sugar and salt and enough water to cover. Cook the onions over high heat to increase the speed of evaporation allowing the sugar and butter to form a caramel. Once the caramel forms, swirl the onions by shaking the saucepan to evenly color the onions.
【7.Croutons: Cut the sandwich bread slices in two diagonally then cut into heart shapes. Cook in oil and butter (or clarified butter) until lightly golden.】
***Presentation: Add bacon lardons, sautéed mushrooms and brown-glazed onions to the beef stew. Serve in the earthenware serving dish with the croûtons. Decorate with flat-leaf parsley.


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仅为个人查询资料得到的信息,参考使用 如果申报雇佣关系,一方面,作为老板需要向法国政府交纳各种失业金、社会保险金等charge;另一方面,法国政府鼓励创造工作岗位,在个人税收申报的时候会给予一定的补贴。如果雇员年总工资数额小,其实老板会比不报工更省钱。但是这也意味着老板必须每月按时申报,多支出的charge要一年后才能拿回等。 申报必须信息 劳工个人信息(姓名、出生年月、住址等) 劳工社保号码 申报建议信息,这些并不需要在申报过程中用到,但是按照规定,建议做 劳工合法居留。这个很容易懂的 与劳工签订合同。如果劳工每周工作超过8小时,或者每年工作超过4周,需要签订合同。这里有 合同模板 留工资发放凭证 步骤 老板在线申请urssaf账号:  需要提供老板的银行账号,用来扣除charge费用 填写劳工个人信息 每月登陆选择申报,需要写每小时净工资数和每月工作小时,系统自动给出月工资总额。也可以填写每月工作小时和净月工资,系统则会自动算出每小时净工资数。 urssaf会给劳工寄月工资单 老板给员工发净工资,这个是net部分。如果按半工最低工资标准算的话,每个月 609.50€ 。工资发放既可以是现金,也可以是网上转账,如果选择现金的话,urssaf建议老板写个收据并让员工签字。 urssaf会在老板银行账户上扣除charge费用,同样按半工的工资,大致需要上交 365欧 charge。这里有个 模拟器 ,可以自己算。 年终的时候,urssaf会给老板提供全年总费用凭证,作为报税的证明。 第二年老板报个人收入所得税的时候,需要填写雇员的...